by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.![GoingInternational.eu](images/layout/minilogo-transparent.png)
The member's events calendar is prepared in partnership with goinginternational.eu information platform for higher education in the fields of biomedicine, public health international health and humanitarian assistance.
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Organiser: EUPHA HWR section
Contact: marius.ungureanu@publichealth.ro
How to make a future health workforce happen?
Policy, practice and people
Mid-term Conference, EUPHA section Health Workforce Research (HWR)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18-19 June 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 29 February 2020
The importance of a sustainable health workforce is increasingly recognised in Europe. Novel policy frameworks and comprehensive tools, such as the National Health Workforce Accounts (NHWA), are now available. Data, monitoring systems and research evidence have all markedly improved over recent years, thus we know better what is driving change in the supply, need and demand for healthcare workers, and what strategies could improve people-centred health workforce governance and service delivery. However, it is not well understood how to make a future health workforce happen and how this impacts healthcare services for the population. All European countries are struggling to prepare their workforce to effectively respond to demographic changes, to an increase of chronic diseases and multi-morbidity, to mal-distribution of skills and staff, and to demand for new competencies related to eHealth, globalisation and climate change. Growing migration and mobility flows add further challenges, which may threaten Eastern European healthcare systems the most, thus reinforcing European and global inequality. Health workforce challenges have arrived at a critical point where action is urgently needed.
This mid-term Conference sets the focus on implementation of new health workforce policies. The EUPHA section Health Workforce Research (HWR), in collaboration with colleagues from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO Regional Office for Europe/Programme on Human Resources for Health, ASPHER, and EUPHA section Health Services Research (HSR), seeks to provide a platform for knowledge exchange across the health workforce community and to enhance dialogue between research, policy and practice. By combining a research workshop format based on competitive posters and presentations with invited panels and policy dialogue, we want to actively engage different stakeholders in building capacity for a future health workforce. We invite research that addresses what works why and how in health workforce development, but other themes are also welcome. Please submit your abstract at https://hwrconference.publichealth.ro until 29 February 2020. Join us in beautiful Cluj-Napoca, Romania for this first mid-term Conference of the EUPHA HWR section and collaborating partners, which is hosted by Marius Ungureanu
Practical information
The midterm Conference is planned as a full two-day workshop, starting 18 June, 9.00h and closing 19 June, 16.00h. Registration will be available from 1 April 2020 through 15 May 2020. See the conference website for details and updates: www.hwrconference.publichealth.ro
For more information on Abstract submission and Registration see the Call for Papers.
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