by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.SECRETARIAT UPDATES
This 10-session course aims to explore how health systems contribute to climate change, with the healthcare sector responsible for nearly 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This course will cover essential...
During its meeting on 19 December 2005, ASPHER Executive Board decided to establish an ASPHER Honours Committee comprising the Association's Past Presidents and Andrija Stampar Medalists.
The aim of the Honours Committee is to serve as a forum for discussion, advice and proposals on present and potential activities undertaken by ASPHER, to create the conditions for improving the documentation of the history of the Association, and to "keep in touch" more formally with the Association's Past-Presidents and Andrija Stampar Medalists.
Members of the Honours Committee:
John Middleton
Honourary Professor, University of Wolverhampton, UNITED KINGDOM
President (2019-2022)
Selma Šogoric
Andrija S?tampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Štampar Medalist 2020
Laurent Chambaud | 2022 ASPHER Deans' & Directors' Retreat - Sofia, Bulgaria
Štampar Medalist 2022 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by Henrique Barros (ISPUP, University of Porto)
Mike Ryan | Online webinar ceremony
Štampar Medalist 2021 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by Mary Codd (ASPHER Executive Board, University College Dublin)
Selma Šogoric | 16th World Congress on Public Health - Online 2020
Štampar Medalist 2020 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by John Middleton (President, ASPHER)
Kasia Czabanowska
President (2018-2019)
University of Maastricht, NETHERLANDS
Gaetano M. Fara | XLI Annual Conference / 12th EPH Conference - Marseille 2019
Štampar Medalist 2019 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by John Middleton (President, ASPHER)
Anne Johnson | XL Annual Conference / 11th EPH Conference - Ljubljana 2018
Štampar Medalist 2018 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by Kasia Czabanowska (Maastricht University)
Elina Hemminki | XXXIX Annual Conference / 10th EPH Conference - Stockholm 2017
Štampar Medalist 2017 | Short biographical sketch
Laudation by Henrique Barros (University of Porto)
Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn
President (2016-2017)
Medical University of Berlin - Charité, GERMANY
Richard Horton | XXXVIII Annual Conference / 9th EPH Conference - Vienna 2016
Stampar Medalist 2016 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Martin McKee (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic
President (2014-2015)
University of Belgrade, SERBIA
Jean Rochon | XXXVII Annual Conference / 8th EPH Conference - Milan 2015
Stampar Medalist 2015 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Laurent Chambaud (EHESP School of PublicHealth - Rennes)
Peter Piot | XXXVI Annual Conference / 7th EPH Conference - Glasgow 2014
Stampar Medalist 2014 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Yehuda Neumark (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Helmut Brand
President (2012-2013)
Maastricht University, THE NETHERLANDS
Jose M Martin-Moreno | XXXV Annual Conference / 6th EPH Conference - Brussels 2013
Stampar Medalist 2013 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Miguel Angel Royo (Institute of Health Carlos III - Madrid) & Ted Tulchinsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Julio Frenk | XXXIV Annual Conference / 5th EPH Conference - Malta 2012
Stampar Medalist 2012 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Jeffrey Levett (National School of Public Health - Athens)
Antoine Flahault
President (2010-2011)
EHESP School of Public Health - Rennes, FRANCE
Zsuzsanna Jakab | XXXIII Annual Conference / 4th EPH Conference - Copenhagen 2011
Stampar Medalist 2011 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Roza Adany (University of Debrecen)
Elias Mossialos | XXXII Annual Conference / 3rd EPH Conference - Amsterdam 2010
Stampar Medalist 2010 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Helmut Brand (Maastricht University)
Stojgniew Jacek Sitko
President (2008-2009)
Jagiellonian University - Krakow, POLAND
Gudjon Magnusson | XXXI Annual Conference / 2nd EPH Conference - Lodz 2009
Stampar Medalist 2009 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Stojgniew Jacek Sitko (Jagiellonian University - Krakow)
Ulrich Laaser & Theodore Tulchinsky | XXX Annual Conference / 1st EPH Conference - Lisbon 2008
Stampar Medalists 2008 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Anders Foldspang (Aarhus University)
Anders Foldspang
Aarhus University, DENMARK
President (2006-2007)
Stampar Medalists 2023
David Byrne | XXIX Annual Conference - Valencia 2007
Stampar Medalist 2007 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Jose M Martin-Moreno (EVES School of Publi Health - Valencia)
Josep Figueras | XXVIII Annual Conference - Maastricht 2006
Stampar Medalist 2006 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Charles Normand (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Charles Normand
President (2004-2005)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UNITED KINGDOM
George Soros | XXVII Annual Conference - Yerevan 2005
Stampar Medalist 2005 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Aislinn O’Dwyer (University of Liverpool)
Theodor Abelin | XXVI Annual Conference - Caltanissetta 2004
Stampar Medalist 2004 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Stojgniew Jacek Sitko (Jaegiellonian University - Krakow)
Roza Adany
President (2002-2003)
University of Debrecen, HUNGARY
Martin McKee | XXV Annual Conference - Granada 2003
Stampar Medalist 2003 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Stipe Oreskovic (University of Zagreb)
Alexander Macara | XXIV Annual Conference - Zagreb 2002
Stampar Medalist 2002 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Jeffrey Levett (National School of Public Health - Athens)
Jose M Martin Moreno
President (2000-2001)
Institute of Health Carlos III - Madrid, SPAIN
Ilona Kickbush | XXIII Annual Conference - Debrecen 2001
Stampar Medalist 2001 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Andreas Geiger (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal)
Charles Mérieux | XXII Annual Conference - Aarhus 2000
Stampar Medalist 2000 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Pascal Chevit (Nationa School of Public Health - Rennes)
Richard Madeley
President (1998-1999)
Unversity of Notingham, UNITED KINGDOM
Richard Doll | XXI Annual Conference - Madrid 1999
Stampar Medalist 1999 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Richard Madeley (University of Notingham)
Lennart Köhler | XX Annual Conference - Torino 1998
Stampar Medalist 1998 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Arja Rimpelä (University of Tampere)
Franco Cavallo
President 1996-1997
University of Torino, ITALY
Ferenc Bojan | XIX Annual Conference - Prague 1997
Stampar Medalist 1997 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Martin McKee (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Michel Manciaux | XVIII Annual Conference - Utrecht 1996
Stampar Medalist 1996 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Lennart Köhler (Nordic School of Public Health)
Ulrich Laaser
President (1994-1995)
University of Bielefeld, GERMANY
Halfdan J Mahler | XVII Annual Conference - London 1995
Stampar Medalist 1995 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Evelyne de Leeuw (University of Limburg - Maastricht)
Donald Acheson | XVI Annual Conference - Krakow 1994
Stampar Medalist 1994 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Jeffrey Levett (National School of Public Health - Athens)
Jeffrey Levett
President (1992-1993)
National School of Public Health - Athens, GREECE
Léo Kaprio | XV Annual Conference - Bielefeld 1993
Stampar Medalist 1993 | Short biographical sketch
Laudatio by Jeffrey Levett (National School of Public Health - Athens)
Francisco Bolumar
President (1991-1992)
University of Valencia, SPAIN
Christian Rollet
President (1990-1991)
National School of Public Health - Rennes, FRANCE
Ivan Forgacs
President (1989-1990)
Postgraduate Medical University - Budapest, HUNGARY
Lennart Köhler
President (1988-1989)
Nordic School of Public Health, SWEDEN
Michael Davies
President (1986-1987)
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Aloisio Moreira Coelho
President (1984-1985)
National School of Public Health - Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Frans Doeleman
President (1982-1983)
University of Leiden, THE NETHERLANDS
Charles E Gordon Smith
President (1979-1981)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UNITED KINGDOM
Alfred C Eberwein
President (1977-1978)
Academy of Public Health - Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Marcel Graffar
President (1975-1976)
Free University of Brussels, BELGIUM
Bo Holma
President (1973-1974)
University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
Christine Lucasse
President (1971-1972)
Royal Tropical Institute - Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Jean-Simon Cayla
President (1968-1970)
National School of Public Health - Rennes, FRANCE
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