by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
The member's events calendar is prepared in partnership with goinginternational.eu information platform for higher education in the fields of biomedicine, public health international health and humanitarian assistance.
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Members' events
Organiser: ASPHER
Contact: registration@aspher.org
ASPHER has been busy preparing for the annual Deans’ & Directors Retreat. Due to COVID-19 conditions, we felt it best to organise a virtual event again this year, but we are thrilled to be able to offer an exciting programme to all members! Don’t miss it!
The Retreat will feature four Plenary Sessions
Plenary 1: Education & Health
Plenary 2: Professionalisation
Plenary 3: Planning for an outbreak of health
Plenary 4: Global governance
There will be four Parallel Session Tracks focussed on the following themes:
Parallel Session Track A: The Pandemic: Perspectives on Lessons Learned
Parallel Session Track B: ASPHER Business: Competencies & Core Curriculum
Parallel Session Track C: ASPHER Networking: Members, Accreditation & Careers
Parallel Session Track D: The Pandemic: Schools’ Contribution & Roles
More information and the full Retreat programme are available here.
Note that the conference is free, but registration is required.Terms of use · Transparency statement ·Tel: +32 2 735 0890 ·Skype: ASPHERskype ·Mail: office@aspher.org ·Share:
Aspher SecretariatUM Brussels Campus
Av de l'Armée / Legerlaan 10
BE-1040 Brussels