by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.Secretariat updates
ASPHER Secretariat is thrilled to be welcoming you to Rome this week for the 17th World Congress on Public Health (WCPH)! Please take a moment to check here for more information about the ASPHER General Assembly on 03 May. And (if attending) be sure to stop by the ASPHER booth when you have some free time during the week. We would love to take the opportunity to catch up with all our members who are on site in Italy!
As outlined in the president’s message, ASPHER has an exciting agenda put together for the WCPH organised with the Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH) to bring the importance of public health education and training to the global stage. ASPHER has collaborated with the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) session devoted to Public Health Advocacy and putting the Glocal into public health along with a manifesto for call to action. And not least of all there are several ASPHER workshops stemming from the Association’s regular activities: updating core competencies in field epidemiology; climate change and health; Covid-19 task force; and health equity & social justice.
We already mentioned the ASPHER booth and we are delighted to have the team from University College Dublin with us in Rome to launch registrations for the ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat to be held in Dublin from 31 August – 02 September. Come chat with them about the Retreat - where we will be enjoying some milestone developments and having a great time with members. We will be kicking off registration in person at the booth but you may now register also online via the Retreat website. #ASPHER2023
While at the Dublin Retreat, we will celebrate the 2023 ASPHER Award winners. Nominations remain open – don’t miss the opportunity to put forward deserving colleagues and institutions for the Andrija Stampar Medal; Teaching and Practice Excellence Award; Research Excellence Award; and Early Career Excellence Award. Send your nominations to us by 14 May to office@aspher.org.
Before the Retreat, we are looking forward to the 2023 edition of ASSETS, the ASPHER Mentoring Summer School from 03-06 July in Brussels. It will be coordinated this year by ASPHER Intern Arianna Maviglia, with several outstanding faculty on board. ASPHER is proud of our interns, the ASPHER fellows contributing to core content agenda, and ASPHER Young Professionals (YPs) who keep regular forum under Executive Board Member Ines Siepmann. New exciting developments focusing on the next generation are on the way!
World events and crises reflect continuing turmoil, and along with the ongoing Ukraine conflict, we have been horrified with recent developments in Sudan. Building on momentum in Rome, ASPHER task forces will be evolving to provide greater scope and rapid response with the Covid-19 Task Force moving towards broader emergency response and the Task Force on War taking on more issues stemming from conflicts and the Professionalisation of the Public Health Workforce Task Force making advances.
However, ASPHER remains positive in public health’s mission delivering the best future for the health of people and the planet. This is perhaps best epitomised by the role and actions of the World Health Organization, which celebrated its 75th anniversary this year on World Health Day on 07 April. Happy birthday WHO!
The Association is travelling for several recent and upcoming missions to strengthen our presence and collaboration. We were happy to join the recent International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) Europe annual meeting in Lisbon from 20-21 April and see our partnership flourishing — we look forward to getting together with IANPHI again in Rome! We also joined the WHO technical consultation for building a global curriculum for infodemic management hosted by ASPHER member University of Belgrade. Looking ahead, ASPHER is further set to join the LEPH conference from 21-23 May with past-President John Middleton participating, and the European Climate and Health Observatory Partnership meeting on 24-25 May with ASPHER’s senior lead on climate and health - Laurent Chambaud, contributing on the development of training, research and advocacy at the European level.
Otherwise, we bring you ASPHER news from SEEEPHI Project and the Working Group on Economic Evaluation in Europe, and would like to note education efforts with Salzburg OMI continuing our relevant links. We hope you will also read with interest about Members’ and Partners’ exciting news and opportunities. Take note that the office should be a bit more relaxed when we return after WCPH and we expect to get back to sending our newsletter on a monthly basis — be sure to send your items to Lore at lore.leighton@aspher.org to be included!
See you in Rome! Ciao,
ASPHER Secretariat
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Aspher SecretariatUM Brussels Campus
Av de l'Armée / Legerlaan 10
BE-1040 Brussels