Improving and protecting the public health
by strengthening education and training
of public health professionals
for both practice and research
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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)

ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research.
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Member's blog

Jeffrey Levett proclaimed Honorary President World Philosophical Forum
Jeffrey Levett is an International Gusi Peace Laureate awarded for services to international public health and dissemination of Greek philosophical ideas. It is designated the foremost award in Asia and...
Vaccination Works - but in COVID-19, It Can't Work Alone
This autumn, I have been greatly exercised by vaccination. I was delighted to be able to present my thoughts to forums in France, Spain, in Israel (twice) and in the UK. For a meeting of the Grand Colloque...
Course: Contemporary Illness Narratives
A non-accredited Literature course taking a cross-genre approach, this course will introduce learners to the rich array of texts that address the ill body as a source of frustration, wonder, affect, loss...
Dispatch from ASPHER Fellow Rana Orhan
This summer brought us a lot of opportunities in the field of climate and health. Thanks to your support and that from our partners, we have been selected to lead the 2021 Thematic Network on 'Climate...
Author: Rana Orhan
Hi Michelle, Hello Mrs. Obama, Dear First Lady
        The old gentleman knows that she no longer knows him. She always looks away but he knows her. So he always holds her hand as the love of his life.   Greetings from...
Search for honest appraisal with trust
Jeffrey Levett, International Gusi Peace Prize Laureate I have seen flowers come in stony places, And kind things done by men with ugly faces, And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races, So...

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